Bittersweet Symphony

2004-08-23 at 12:27 a.m.

Ugh, I'm getting tired of thinking of titles. Sometimes it's fun, but...

My TiVo is coming tomorrow, and I'm all a-flutter. It's a sad commentary on my life, but I decided to stop caring, and just embrace it. I like bad TV. Not really bad TV. Even I have my limits. No Elimidate, for instance. Or Oprah (only when I was in Lebanon, but you can't really hold that against me, there was nothing else to do, and a scarcity of channels). I watch lots of "the best shows you're not watching." But I am watching them. And they are the best shows you're not watching.

I was determined to stay away from the O.C., but our old, temporary roommate Mohammed used to watch it, and I became fascinated. Have you ever seen it? The only thing that stops it from being a total soap opera is (well first and foremost the better acting and better budget), but also that they play all of these horrible things happening in their lives up against corny, happy music, and it makes them all seem like lovable dorks. By the way, I just looked it up, and loveable can be spelled with or without the "e."

Mo also got me on "Las Vegas." I added the quotes so that you would know that it was the show and not the city, but I'm not really sure what the correct punctuation is. When I was in the Army, I knew this guy that was so insecure that he thought being from Las Vegas made him a better and more interesting person. He always brought it up. Once I had this weird conversation with him where he lied about being in honor band. Note to insecure liars: pick something better to lie about. And I totally call out liars. When I saw he was lying, I was all, "What music did we play?" What a bitch. I could have just let him have that, just that, why not? You know?

[Edit: Oops, maybe I should have put quotes around "the O.C." too, so that you wouldn't have to wonder for even a second whether or not I was actually talking about the place, Orange County, in California. But, on a related note, I have been, and am still, determined to stay away from Orange County, California.]

At least in the Army I had friends, and... other people to talk to. But also there was running.

Man! I just edited a picture for uploading and I accidentally replaced the original with it. Dammit. Well you had better enjoy it now.

At the grocery store here, they have "fun" carts. They are large and unwieldly, and surely an annoyance to non-childed people (but seriously, don't live in Utah if you don't like kids, and also... large grocery carts), but they make it more fun for me to go to the store. Aidan thinks he's driving, so adorable.

A Deep Thought from Jack Handy:

Current Terror Alert Level:
Terror Alert Level