Bittersweet Symphony

2004-05-20 at 1:55 p.m.

Politics smolitics

So I'm getting used to things. The 4AM prayer doesn't wake me and Aidan up anymore. There were some dogs living across the street that used to bark every night, but they had puppies a couple days ago and they stopped barking at night.

Things are better with the family. I would say about half of our problems result from the inability to communicate effectively and from my misunderstanding of people's motives, something I inherited from my mother. It comes and goes, though. At least I am aware of it.

I'm reading about Hassan Nasrallah. I hate stuff. Stuff sucks. I think he is universally loved here because he kicked out Israel. But his latest actions could very well bring about a new kind of ruin for Lebanon. He continues to fight with Israel, and he is butting into Iraq. He made a speech the other night that everyone watched. I'm trying to find it in English so I can understand it. I mean, of course I agree that war in Iraq was bad, horrible things happened, and that there continue to be horrible things happening, but I don't think the answer is uprising. It will just result in more people dying. I think if they really want to kick America out, they should do so by showing their ability to form legimate political organizations and these organizations should help rebuild Iraq and it's security forces and then they should ask America to leave. Maybe I am just simplistic and naive, I don't know.

A Deep Thought from Jack Handy:

Current Terror Alert Level:
Terror Alert Level