Bittersweet Symphony

2004-06-14 at 8:06 a.m.


My husband's grandfather died last week. I am staying with his wife in Tyre now. It is nice, but it is much louder at night. There are always cars honking until 2 or so in the morning. They buried him the day after he died. I didn't go with the procession that carried his coffin to the cemeterey because they thought Aidan would be scared from the people crying and screaming. Everyday after that women came to the house, maybe 50 or 60 a day (maybe more). The men went to another house, one of her daughter's. Yesterday was the funeral of sorts. Now there are not so many people. They knew he was going to die for some time, so I suppose they were ready for it. We have to wear black everyday. So, basically, I am wearing the same thing everyday. I'm not today, though, though I guess I should be. My clothes are dirty though!

So Reagan died too, huh Q (The question mark doesn't work on this computer). He was president when I was born. That's all I have to say about that. Although at least he could speak English. That's always a good quality for the President of the United States to have. Now we've got, like, what, 4 or 5 living former presidentsQ Let's see, Clinton, Bush, Carter. Damn, is that it Q We're doing pretty bad. Is Ford still alive Q Well, hopefully we'll have another former soon.

I changed my ticket so I am coming home a month earlier than I thought. There is no reason for me to stay longer, I have learned. Aidan is finally used to his grandparents, and now he goes to them. Before he was too shy. He's really getting used to strangers approaching him in general. Sometimes people I don't even know walk up to us when we are walking on the street by ourselves and pinch his cheeks. "Shu-gar-ee, Shu-gar-ee, Shu-gar-ee!" (That's our last name, phonetically. It's spelling is much harder to pronounce, as it is the French spelling of an Arabic name. My husband could have chosen how he wanted to spell it. Now we're locked in.)

I'll fix my pictures when I get home. and stuff...

Oh God, not this song again. You know how at any given time, you are likely to hear the same 3 or 4 songs anywhere you go Q Well, here, now, there's one. One. One. The whole time I've been here. Boussi boussi boussi, iza noussi noussi nous. Ok Q

A Deep Thought from Jack Handy:

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