Bittersweet Symphony

2004-08-04 at 6:12 p.m.

I want Tucker Carlson

I want to take his untie his bowtie with my teeth. Isn't he adorable? OK, maybe you don't think so, I have strange taste. And OK, maybe he said those horrible things about the poor, disembowled little girl in order to take a cheap shot at John Edwards, but he's usually remarkably fair, even if I don't agree with him. He does better than James Carville, who, has done his duty to the world, but doesn't serve anyone by being a goofy host on Crossfire. Why did he marry Mary Matalin, anyway? I can understand if she was hot, but she's not. OK, maybe it's deeper than that. I'm sure they have lots of love and happy times. Good luck to them.

I've been watching shows like Meet the Press since I was about 12. I've always liked those silly shows. Silly me.

A Deep Thought from Jack Handy:

Current Terror Alert Level:
Terror Alert Level